10 Reasons Your Landlord Would Send a Repair Notice

10 Reasons Your Landlord Would Send a Repair Notice

With all the regulations concerning landlords and tenants, it's imperative for landlords and tenants to remain on point when it comes to abiding by the lease, government mandates, inclement weather issues, emergencies, and so forth. These items are so vital to ensure that tenants won't get fined or evicted and so that the landlord won't encounter hefty fines and penalties from the government or get a potential lawsuit by the tenant.

One pressing issue that landlords and tenants must adhere to is the landlord sending a notice to a tenant to make repairs. Landlords must ensure they give repair notices in the mandated period when it comes to city ordinances and so forth. The following includes ten things a landlord would send a repair notice for:

1. Scheduled Maintenance notice given to tenants 24 to 48 hours before it's scheduled time.
Most states require landlords to provide 24 to 48 hours before the scheduled time for maintenance. When it comes to plumbing and heating issues, support should be handled within 24 hours after these problems are brought to their attention. This is because heating and plumbing issues are serious. Less immediate repairs should be done within 48 hours. Also, landlords can only enter a tenant's residence when it's an emergency, or the tenant permits them to enter his/her unit when no one is there.

2. Property maintenance due to city government ordinances. There are city ordinances in every city concerning property management. Mandates, such as clearing debris on the property, not allowing vehicles with flat tires or that's obviously inoperable on the property for an extended period, and no barbequing near/on the property must be adhered to. Otherwise, the landlord will be fined with severe penalties when not adhering to government codes and ordinances.

3. For regular checkups and scheduled maintenance.
To ensure properties stay within government regulations, they must plan checkups and support within 24 to 48 hours before the scheduled maintenance.

4. When arranging a scheduled time with the tenant who put in a work order.
After the tenant put in a work request on their rental, he/she must make arrangements with the maintenance department concerning a scheduled time.

5. When it comes to inclement weather.
Due to severe weather, maintenance may have to put repair notices out due to an issue with a boiler, when there's a flood, etc. They will also give notices when warning tenants of keeping the cabinet doors opened and the faucets dripping to prevent pipes from freezing up and so forth during freezing weather.

6. When a system is down/scheduled to have downtime.
This could be when maintenance has to work on something electric, doing maintenance in the property's laundry room, servicing of the elevator (which is also according to the city ordinance), and more.

7. When alerting tenants to have something repaired or removed.
It could be something that the tenants have done in the rental unit, such as accidentally breaking a light fixture, putting a hole/dent in the wall or door, or other that requires repair.

8. End of maintenance notice concerning software.
This only applies to properties with a business center, including a computer, copier, and fax machine, that's for the tenants use, and the system will be down temporarily for upgrades.

9. When the property is scheduled for renovation, or construction.
Sometimes properties must repaint the hallways, take care of potholes around the area, repaint the parking lot, reconstruct the lobby area for more appeal to future residents.

10. When the water will be turned off for repairs.
Sometimes, there are issues with rusty pipes and water leakages somewhere, for instance, that require the water being shut off temporarily while fixing the problem.


It's imperative for landlords and tenants to remain on point when it comes to abiding by the lease, government mandates, inclement weather issues, emergencies, and so forth especially with all the regulations concerning landlords and tenants.

These items are so vital to ensure that tenants won't get fined or evicted and so that the landlord won't encounter hefty fines and penalties from the government or get a potential lawsuit by the tenant. And thus, landlords must consult lawyers to help them with this process to ensure they are on the up and up with this.

Lawyers can assist by drafting a maintenance notice to tenant template, what codes may be overlooked, and more. This is because heating and plumbing issues are serious, less immediate repairs should be done within 48 hours. Also, landlords can only enter a tenant's residence when it's an emergency, or the tenant permits them to enter his/her unit when no one is there.

This story originally appeared on the LegalNotes blog. | photo.credit


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