7 Tips to Break into Hollywood

7 Tips to Break into Hollywood

You would be kidding yourself if you say you haven’t for once dreamt of being an actor. As realistic as it gets, you’ve least to say for once pictured yourself up on the stage, delivering your Oscar winning speech. As a matter of fact, that’s true for most people. Hollywood is a platform where everyone, a miser, a laborer, a child or anyone has aspired to be at. Fame is sometimes that lustrous and desirable that it makes you crave so badly to be an actor overnight.

Hollywood’s Lust

You are in luck if you are one talented guy or a girl but you have won a jack pot if you have good looks because looks sell like hot cakes and they get you from core of the Earth to the 7th sky and beyond measure. Sometimes it’s not the lust and desire for fame; it’s the passion for acting, need of recognition and urges to be admired. Once you are in Hollywood, you become a renowned actor overnight and sometimes it takes sleepless nights and struggles just to have your one shot or a dialogue in a movie. Nepotism sometimes plays a strong role in getting you to big places and sometimes it’s the prowess. Somewhere you get tackled by the shackles of lack of experience other times you make a fortune out of your sheer talent.

Tips to Break into Hollywood

Hollywood isn’t a ‘no man’ territory that would convict you a serious crime if you’ve attempted to approach it. Actor contract template must be read and understood once you’ve signed up for a project. Following are some of the tips that might help your way into acting career or in Hollywood.

1. Ego isn’t your best friend

People up there are full of themselves, jam packed with egos and enough snooty. They for sure do not need another egoistic personality roaming around especially at the beginner’s stage. You might want to put your ego and your demeanor aside for a while only to get yourself casted in some picture. That does not mean you have to let go of your values. It means being flexible and adaptive to the situation.

2. Respect and Earn Respect in Return

When you are in Hollywood, you might get to see idioms and proverbs coming to life like tit for tat and give respect have respect. Because if you can’t respect your profession and your employer that you are a weakling and you aren’t needed. You won’t be respected in that retrospect. Don’t ridicule anyone of any job you land at. You might not know what chapter your life may turn.

3. Be Courageous

Do not hold yourself back, voice your opinion, be vocal about your talents but don’t brag. Be courageous to take up the job that challenges you mentally, physically and even emotionally. Courage isn’t about performing hard core stunts, it means to stand up for what you do and believe in yourself. After landing on your dream role give it your best but make sure you have contracted an actor employment agreement as well to avoid uncertainties.

4. Never Say Never

That may be another Justin Bieber song but it speaks volumes of how you should mold your personality. Never say never to any opportunity or a job. This could be a life changing path you have stepped on and you might be oblivious of it. Many actors start from menial and small roles. Actor agreement contract is for such situations when you and the employer be it the director or producer, cannot back of the role they’ve given already.

5. Be Patient

Patience always pays off. It pays off well. It isn’t the big talk, it is true. Actor to actor Lea DeLaria, you have to wait the tables. You may find yourself in dump but wait back. Do not lose your mind if you aren’t being fruitful. The right project will land you so be patient and keep trying.

6. Work for Free

It sounds demeaning and disrespectful but think of this as unpaid internship in a big law firm where if the outcome turns out to be great you would be profitable in the end. So it is perfectly fine if your initial days are rough and you had to wait on a project which requires working for free. Make sure you read the conditions of your film actor agreement contract.

7. Never give up

It is quite obvious and expected that the first few attempts aren’t recognizable or even meaningful. This just does not mean that you give up on your dreams. You still have got to chase after your dreams. It may take more than just a night to turn the tables around in your favor. Sometimes even a year or more but that is never the end.

To Sum it Up

Meryl Streep, Brad Pitt or even Tim Burton, nobody knew they would do this great when they started, all they had was passion, motivation to keep working and they did. They are now a brand and there is no stopping to them.

This story originally appeared on the LegalNotes blog.|Photo.Credit


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